Rights of the Seas and Oceans


Seas and oceans are essential for life on Earth, covering more than 70% of its surface and hosting extraordinary biological diversity. They act as climate regulators, providers of oxygen and sustenance for millions of people. However, they face unprecedented threats such as pollution, overexploitation of marine resources, acidification and the devastating effects of climate change. These challenges not only compromise the health of marine ecosystems, but also put the survival and well-being of coastal communities and humanity as a whole at risk.

At IHRCG, we understand that the protection of the seas and oceans is a global priority that requires urgent and concerted action. We are committed to defending and promoting rights related to access to healthy and productive seas and oceans, and to fighting against practices that threaten their integrity. We believe it is essential to protect and sustainably manage these vast bodies of water, not only because of their intrinsic value, but also because they are essential for climate resilience, food security and economic prosperity for current and future generations.

Our efforts focus on promoting policies that ensure the conservation and sustainable use of marine resources, the fight against marine pollution and the defense of the rights of communities that depend on the seas and oceans for their subsistence. We work to educate and mobilize governments, organizations and society in general, promoting a culture of respect and responsibility towards the seas and oceans. We believe that, through international cooperation and local action, it is possible to ensure a future where seas and oceans continue to provide vital benefits for all humans and for life on our planet.

Our commitment

At IHRCG, we are deeply committed to protecting the seas and oceans and recognizing the rights of the communities that depend on them for their livelihoods. We believe that seas and oceans are essential to the health of the planet and its biodiversity, and that their conservation is crucial for long-term sustainability. Our mission is to promote the sustainable management of marine resources and ensure that all people have access to healthy and productive seas and oceans. We work to mitigate threats to these vital ecosystems, from pollution to overexploitation of resources, and we strive to empower coastal communities to become active defenders of the oceans.

Principles and values:

We are guided by the principles of sustainability, environmental justice and global responsibility in our work to protect the seas and oceans. We value marine biodiversity and recognize the importance of promoting practices that ensure the protection and sustainable use of marine resources. We defend equity in access to these resources, especially for vulnerable communities that depend on them, and we advocate for management based on science and traditional knowledge. We believe in international cooperation and the need for inclusive approaches that involve all stakeholders in ocean conservation.

Defense and promotion

We are committed to defending and promoting the right to healthy seas and oceans through a wide range of actions and programs. We conduct research and monitoring to assess ocean health and the impacts of human activity, and produce reports and recommendations to improve marine resource management. We offer assistance and support to coastal communities and fishermen, helping them develop sustainable practices and defend their rights to fair and equitable access to marine resources. We also carry out awareness and education campaigns to increase public awareness about the importance of protecting the seas and oceans.

Featured cases

  • Coral reef protection: In collaboration with local communities, we have implemented coral reef conservation and restoration programs in the Caribbean, promoting the health of these ecosystems critical to marine biodiversity and the local economy.

  • Campaigns against marine pollution: We have led campaigns in Southeast Asia to reduce plastic pollution in the oceans, encouraging the adoption of sustainable alternatives and the reduction of plastic waste.

  • Support for fishing communities: In West Africa, we have supported fishing communities in the fight against illegal fishing, providing legal and technical assistance to strengthen surveillance and sustainable management of marine resources.

  • Conservation of marine protected areas: We work with local governments and organizations in the Pacific to establish and manage marine protected areas, ensuring the conservation of key marine ecosystems and the protection of biodiversity.

Human rights at the ONU

If you want to obtain more information about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its importance in today's world, we invite you to visit the official UN page on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Spanish.