ONU Sustainable Development Goals

ONU Sustainable Development Goals

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) represent an ambitious global agenda that addresses the most urgent challenges facing our world, from eradicating poverty to combating climate change, inequality and injustice. At the IHRCG (International Human Rights Commission Global), we are firmly committed to these goals and actively work to contribute to their realization.

Our commitment

At IHRCG we recognize that the protection and promotion of human rights are fundamental to achieving the SDGs. Our work is closely aligned with these goals, as we firmly believe that the realization of human rights is a central element of sustainable development. We strive to build a world where every person can enjoy their basic human rights, including the right to life, liberty, justice, equality, education and a healthy environment.

How do we contribute?

We work on a variety of projects and actions that directly contribute to the realization of the SDGs. From protecting the rights of the most vulnerable people to promoting gender equality and social justice, our initiatives address multiple aspects of the SDGs and are designed to create a positive and lasting impact on the communities we serve.

The 17 OUN Goals

As an organization committed to human rights, we support the UN's 17 sustainable development goals to achieve a better future for all. These objectives cover topics such as the eradication of poverty, environmental protection, gender equality, health and well-being, quality education, peace and justice, among others. Learn how we contribute to these objectives with our actions and projects in different countries and regions of the world. Visit our UN Sustainable Development Goals section and discover more about this global initiative that seeks to transform our world by 2030.

If you want to learn more about the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and how you can contribute to their achievement, we invite you to visit the official UN SDG page. Together we can make the world a better, more sustainable place for everyone!