About US

What do we do and why do we do it?

We are the IHRCG, International Human Rights Commission Global, for its acronym in English, an international non-profit organization that defends and promotes human rights for all, based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Our mission is “to implement the Universal Declaration of Human Rights at the regional, national and international levels.”

Our vision is “a world where all human rights are respected and guaranteed.”

Our objectives

Defend the human rights of the most vulnerable and marginalized people, especially victims of serious and systematic violations, such as torture, forced disappearance, extrajudicial execution, discrimination and gender violence.

Support the development of international and regional mechanisms for the protection of human rights, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, treaties and conventions, oversight bodies and special procedures.

Promote education and training in human rights, as a means to generate awareness, participation and social transformation.

Promote cooperation and dialogue between different social actors, such as civil society organizations, academic institutions, the media, governments and international organizations.

Our strategies are:

Provide free, quality legal assistance to people and groups that request our intervention, both nationally and internationally.

Carry out rigorous and documented research on the human rights situation in different countries and regions, and prepare reports, publications and recommendations to improve it.

Develop human rights education and training programs and projects, aimed at diverse audiences, such as students, teachers, professionals, officials, journalists and community leaders.

Carry out advocacy and awareness-raising actions before the authorities, the media and public opinion, to denounce human rights violations, demand their reparation and prevent their repetition.

How did our organization come about?

Our organization emerged in 2000, as an initiative of a group of people and organizations committed to human rights, who decided to create a global network to defend and promote human rights in the world. We have grown and consolidated our presence and our impact in more than 50 countries, thanks to the support of our members, volunteers, donors and allies.

We have overcome various obstacles and challenges, but we have also achieved important achievements and recognitions, such as special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, the Nobel Peace Prize in 2010, participation in various international treaties and conventions. of human rights, the contribution to the resolution of various conflicts and humanitarian crises, the protection and empowerment of thousands of vulnerable people and communities, etc.

Our plans for the future are to continue working with passion, commitment and professionalism for human rights for all, expand our network and reach, improve our quality and efficiency, innovate and adapt to changes and needs, and generate a positive impact and sustainable in the world.

What are our values?

Our values ​​are the ethical and moral principles that guide our actions and that reflect our identity and our organizational culture. These values ​​are:


We recognize and value the dignity, diversity and equality of all human beings, and treat them with courtesy, consideration and tolerance.


We feel part of a global community and share the problems, needs and aspirations of others, and collaborate with them to find solutions and opportunities.


We seek that all human rights are respected and guaranteed, and that all people have access to justice, reparation and non-repetition of violations of their rights.


We promote a culture of peace, which is based on dialogue, cooperation, non-violence and respect for human rights, and which rejects war, terrorism, violence and discrimination.


We act with honesty, transparency, consistency and responsibility, and we comply with our commitments and obligations, and with the norms and quality standards that govern us.


We strive to do our work with the highest level of quality, efficiency and effectiveness, and to continually improve our processes, products and services, and our satisfaction and that of our clients or beneficiaries.

President of the IHRCG

We are a team of passionate people committed to human rights, who work with professionalism, creativity and enthusiasm for our cause. Our team is made up of:

– The president and international coordinator of the IHRCG, who is the legal representative and the person most responsible for the direction, management and coordination of the organization at a global level. The current president and international coordinator of the IHRCG is the honorable Dr. H. C. José Ángel Ramírez, who has extensive professional, academic and personal experience in the field of human rights, and who leads the organization with vision, mission and values.

– The regional and national ambassadors and coordinators of the IHRCG, who are the representatives and those responsible for the direction, management and coordination of the organization at the regional and national level. The current IHRCG ambassadors and regional and national coordinators work in different countries and regions of the world, addressing the most relevant and urgent human rights issues in each context.

– The embassy and national coordination of Mexico, which is the representation and responsible for the direction, management and coordination of the organization in Mexico. The current embassy and national coordination of Mexico develops and implements projects, research, campaigns and training activities on human rights issues that affect the Mexican population, such as violence, corruption, impunity, migration, rights of women, the rights of indigenous peoples, etc. The embassy and national coordination of Mexico also collaborates with other organizations, institutions, media and social actors to strengthen the human rights movement in Mexico.

Our Community: IHRCG Members

Our organization is powered by a diverse and committed community of human rights defenders from around the world. From lawyers and activists to academics and community leaders, our members share a common passion for justice and equality. Together, we work tirelessly to protect and promote human rights everywhere, building a more just and humane world for all.

Our projects

Hollman Case

A successful case of defense of human rights before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, which condemned the Argentine State for the torture and medical negligence suffered by Juan Carlos Hollman in prison, and ordered comprehensive reparation measures.

Education Network

Human Rights Education Network: a network of educational institutions that promote the teaching and learning of human rights in their curricula, activities and pedagogical practices.

Campaign against discrimination:

A communication and social mobilization campaign that seeks to raise awareness and action against discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity, religion, disability or any other condition.

Human Rights Observatory:

A space for monitoring, analysis and dissemination of the human rights situation in the world, which offers updated, reliable and accessible information through a web platform.